Sunday, December 10, 2006

Photo of the Day 17

What a week this has been. Classes ended, finals started, I have two papers due by this Friday. . . I had a final exam yesterday, Intro to the Hebrew Bible. . . on a Saturday. . . I chuckled when I saw that on the schedule.
So, getting to the title of this post. . .
I'm posting another photo from my sepia series. I really like sepia photos, it emphasizes the contrast, without being as harsh as Black and White.

Bare TreeHosted on Zooomr

I took this with my Pentax MX and 80~200mm zoom lens. The tree was halfway down a hill, I climbed the hill, and zoomed most of the way in to crop out the other trees around it. I wanted just this tree against the sky.
Yours in Christ,

Thursday, December 07, 2006

photo of the Day 16

Time for another thrilling installment of "Photo of the Day!" As you remember from last time, our heros had just managed to escape the evil red fog. . . Okay, so maybe not. . .

Here is today's photo of the day, I hope you like it.

About to fallHosted on Zooomr

Pentax MX, mid October
100mm Macro lens

Yours in Christ,

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

photo of the Day 15

Hey all,
Here is another photo that I took awhile ago, but just got developed. It is a bit more artistic than my usual photos. This is my first experiment with multiple exposures, and I think it came out quite nicely. Please leave feedback on this one!

The Masque of the Red Death Hosted on Zooomr

Pentax MX, mid October
100mm Macro lens
Exposed twice

Yours in Christ,

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

photo of the Day 14

Well, I have been negligent in my blogging these past few weeks. I would like to thank my ghost writer for updating some while I was sick.
I just got several rolls of film developed and scanned, so I have lots of photos to post.
Here is the next one:

017_009 Hosted on Zooomr

Bishop's University, mid october
Pentax MX
80~200 zoom lens

Yours in Christ,