Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Yes, I know I haven't posted in a month, and I am sorry. The last few days I couldn't though, as I had no access to the internet. So, anyways, I am out in St. Louis to help my sister pack and drive back to Massachusetts. Her wedding is in 22 days now, and it is my job to make sure she makes it back home safely.
I went to an RCIA class at the Cathedral Basilica, because my sister teaches there, and sat in on an excellent talk given about the Trinity and the Catechism, and got a FREE compendium to sweeten the deal. Now, like doughnuts, there are no bad compendium, but a free compendium is even better. so please permit me a celebratory w00t.


That's all for now, though I am going to be updating more regularly after I get back home (this Saturday.)

Yours in Christ,


Mrs. N said...

Someone seriously thought of you when they were trying to decide who would be best at getting her home safely?

Thursday said...

Yes. Why do you find that so hard to believe?

Yours in Christ,

Mrs. N said...

Because I know you and that is reason enough.