Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Download the movie.

I have received a number of emails asking if there was any way to download the movie I made for lent. Well, there is.
1) go to this site
2) paste into the top field.
3) click download from youtube.
4) right-click the "video download" link.
5) select save target as.
6) change the file extension to .flv
7) wait for it to download.
8) play in VLC player

I hope this works for everyone. If anybody has a bunch of bandwidth, and would be willing to host the file for me, I can turn it from 8 steps to 1.

Yours in Christ,


Anonymous said...

Thanks for that. It is well done and I am grateful.

Anonymous said...

you could get a free account at -- 5 gb of bandwidth a month.