Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Picture of the Day 1

This is something new I have decided to do to ensure I blog every day like I want to. Recently I have developed a passion (maybe and addiction) for photography. It started when I began to shoot in RAW on my digital camera, and develop the files in Adobe Lightroom. I was able to get some really good photos, but I wanted more control over my focus and exposure settings, and it was just a pain to do on my "slr-like" digital. Well, fortune smiles upon me, my Grandmother just gave me all of my Grandfathers cameras and photography supplies. Among them was a Pentax MX, with the four main lenses needed! The MX is a fully manual camera, the only feature it needs batteries for is the exposer meter, and those are supposed to last for 10,000+ pictures! So, armed with these two cameras, a nice array of lenses, and far too much time on my hands, I'm going to take lots of photos. The best of these photos will be part of my new feature of "photo of the day." For any photo enthusiasts, I will give the camera and lens I took the photo with, as well as shutter speed and aperture settings (as best I remember them.)
So, here is the first photo of the day:
(Click to enlarge)

Taken in my back garden 09/X/06
Pentax MX with a SMC Macro 1:4 100mm lens
Shutter speed: 1/250th of a second
Aperture: f8 (or thereabouts)

Check back each day for a new photo.
Yours in Christ,

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