Monday, November 21, 2005

Is this a joke? (UpdateX2)

I've come across this on a couple of Rad Trad (Radical Traditionalist Catholics) sites. I think it has to be a joke, nobody has that poor an understanding of Physics. I'm also very surprised to find "Flat Earth" Theory on Rad Trad sites, as the Church never taught that the Earth was flat. The Church always went with Aristotle's teaching that the Earth was round. Granted Aristotle underestimated the circumference of the Earth considerably, leading Columbus to thinking he was in the East Indies. Flat Earth theory only came about after the reformation, when the Protestants started taking the Biblical description of the Earth in Genesis literally. So Rad Trads are now hanging out with Heretics, interesting.

Yours in Christ,

UPDATE: Sorry, I forgot an "=" in the html code, now the link works.

UPDATE2: Added some clarification for Non-Catholics.

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