Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Oh my... Knees!

When I saw this I burst out laughing.

How could he let his knee touch hers! Did he not know that his knee had been consecrated by God, and that he was to lock himself away in the Cathedral's residence, only coming out to say Mass. Tradition in Action is definitely not a Catholic group.
The plus side of their site is that it has an incredible collection of very nice photographs of the last several Pontiffs.

Yours in Christ,


DP said...

Some people take things over the edge. That's just absurd. Of all people in the world, Pope John Paul II understood the intricacies of human relations (Cf. Theology of the Body, The Jeweler's Shop, Love and Responsibility, etc.. etc.. etc..).

I like your blog by the way! :-)

A fellow young Canadian...yipppeee!

Thursday said...

I'm a US citizen, I only go to school in Canada. Sorry to disappoint.
Yours in Christ,

DP said...

Well then, why the heck Bishop's??? ;-)

(I'm not disappointed...I know plenty of fine americans).

Thursday said...

Bishop's is a very good school, even if it is a bit of a party school. It has the best Physics and Math programs for undergrads in its price range. And the campus is really nice.
Yours in christ,

antonia said...

Personally, I have my doubts as to whether that actually IS JP2 or could just be a look-alike...