Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Vocations Reloaded?

One of my first posts was on The Matrix Vocations Poster. Well, I've been meaning to do a follow up on that entry, because there are a couple of new posters available now, I've just never gotten around to it (I know I'm lazy!). So here they are:

You can get your own copies of these posters and a couple others here.
Just in case anybody is wondering, he is a real priest. In my opinion these posters are exactly what is needed to interest young men in the priesthood. So often we only see the stereotypical older priest who is timid and ignorant. These posters show young men who are willing to give their lives to God, and to Serve His Church. They show a priest who is a hero, a warrior against Satan. That is exactly what a priest is, a warrior. The sacrament of confession causes Satan extreme pain and suffering, and is only possible with a priest.
I have my first vocation poster up on my wall, and it makes people think. This is an image that goes against the stereotypes they have been brought up to believe. In that little moment of doubt, God can creep in. In 1 Kings 19:11-13, we find that God is not in the Mighty Wind, or the Awesome Earthquake, or the Roaring Fire, but in the small voice. God only requires a small chink in the wall that society builds around the soul. Like the constant drip, drip, drip of water, He will bring those walls crashing down. (I know I've mixed about ten metaphors at this point, please forgive me.)
I think that is all for right now.
Yours in Christ,

P.S. The website also have a very nice calendar with a picture of the saint of the day on each day.


Kei said...

Those are awesome. Especially when you're asexual like me, then priesthood and celibacy would be a cinch ;).

I wonder if they should make one for attracting other religious vocations, for nuns and such? :D

Thursday said...

I just read through your blog, you are a very talented writer. I'm glad you made it back to the Church, and I will be praying for you.
Yours in Christ,

antonia said...

They are very very cool posters!! Thanks for sharing them & your thoughs :-) -x-x-

antonia said...

ps- I tagged you! (see my site!)

Thursday said...

Whoo Hoo, my first meme! This is the meme I've wanted since I first saw it a couple of days ago. Thanks, I'll post later tonight.
Yours in Christ,