Friday, December 16, 2005


I promised I would write this today, and I will. I just might fall asleep while I'm typing!
My guardian angel's name is Raphael. When I was very little, I was asked what his name was, and I said Raphael. Fast forward several years. I had a very nasty crash on my bike. I really tore my arm open badly, and needed to go to the hospital. During the ambulance ride, I was given a stuffed ninja turtle. Do you want to guess which one? Yup, Raphael. Later I found out Raphael is the patron angel of healing. Go ahead several more years. I start reading books on philosophy, theology, and metaphysics. I began to put pieces of the puzzle together. angels have no material aspect, they are purely spirit. Because of this, their name is very important. It is how angels are distinguished from one another. No two angels can share the same name. Their name is their identity. So after I found out about this, I began to wonder, "Can I have an archangel as a guardian angel?" Some of the Saints believed so (I'll give an update when I can find the book where I found this.), and there is the entire book of Tobit. If an archangel was sent by God to look after tobias during the times B.C., why not now? And, after all, each angel could have an infinite number of wards, as they can polylocate.
So, there you have it. That's my Guardian Angel entry. I'm glad I didn't fall asleep, I think Raphael wants me to write this. My sister had sent me a package on the 3rd, that just arrived today, and one of the items in the package was a small icon of Raphael.

Yours in christ,

I had a very hard time finding a decent image of Raphael for this post. He is usually drawn in a very feminine manner. I imagine that it is because one of his jobs is matchmaker to Tobias. But people forget that he also bound an ancient and powerful demon in the desert. I think he should be given a more prominent role in the rite of Exorcism. Right now, he is only mentioned along with the other two archangels.


Kei said...

As a private revelation, I too believe in my own guardian angel to be with me at all times. I remember how many times that he has been there to comfort me. He is my next-best friend next to Jesus, of course ;)

After he made me aware of himself in my life (after tearing up and then a sudden vision of him during mass, which instantaneously brought me peace and joy), the name Az popped out. Later, I ultimately found out that his name Az was the shorter version for Azariah, 'Yahweh is my help.' Even in times of sin, my guardian angel always helps me sustain my belief in Yahweh God.

What a fitting name for which I always need in my life. All ye guardian angels, pray ye for us and ever guard us and guide us in the Holy Name of Jesus.


antonia said...

oh wow! That is so lovely! Guardian Angels are such a gift. I too have a very special devotion to St. Raphael for his significant and visible intercessions on my behalf.


antonia said...

wow, that is long spam!! Who do they think will read it?!

Thursday said...

I'm tempted to keep the spam, as it is just so long. Naw, goodbye spam! *delete*

Yours in Christ,