Thursday, December 15, 2005

Some new links.

You may have noticed that the blogroll has gotten a few new members recently. Why don't you check them out, I guarantee that any blog there is well worth the read.

Theology of the Body
Conspicuously Lacking a Latin Title
Confessions of a Chronic Dork
The Sober Sophomore

And yes, I do know my blogroll is not in alphabetical order, I'm just too lazy to bother. If and when I gets bigger, maybe I will put them in order.

Yours in Christ,


Clark B. said...

Thanks for the link!

Mary Liz said...

I thank you for the link too!

MM said...

Thursday, what an honor! Thanks. The baby porcupines are DELIGHTED-

Claire said...

Thanks for the link! :) I shall be returning the favor.