Thursday, September 22, 2005

Plague Breaks Out, Thousands Dead!

Did the title get your attention? Good. It might not be a real Plague, but it has already killed thousands! World of Warcraft is a MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game) made by Blizzard Entertainment. It is one of the most popular, with more than 4 million regular players. Recently some higher level players battled a new demon put in by Blizzard as a new challenge. It appears this guy had a Parthian shot though, as his blood causes an infection that kills most players instantly. Now, this should have only affected the few players who were there when the demon died, but due to a bug in the programming, the players became carriers of the plague, and infected others in the world. Apparently the the Orcish capital of Ogrimmar was the first city to fall victim to the plague, and its population was decimated. The computer controlled npcs (non-playable creatures) are not killed by the plague, but they are capable of spreading it. Reports from the disaster zones speak of hundreds of corpses lying in streets of infected towns.
I wonder if Blizzard will add this to the Warcraft story line? I wouldn't put it past them. I wonder what Chesterton would say about us making imaginary worlds, and then letting disease into them? I think Chesterton would have loved playing World of Warcraft, I think he would have been a Paladin. He would have formed his own clan, whose sole purpose would be to save the damsel from the dragon. In a way, games like these are a way to reclaim the fairy land that we so foolishly discarded.
I personally do not play World of Warcraft. I become addicted to games like this far to easily, and this is the most addicting game out on the market right now. I hope to play it sometime in the future though. Maybe when I do, I'll form a clan of my own, and call it the Thursday's Knights, or some such thing.
Yours in Christ,

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