Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Catholic Nerd Game round IV

Sorry about not getting this up earlier, but blogger wasn't allowing me to upload images.
Here is round IV:

Good Luck!

Yours in Christ,


Mary Liz said...

hmm a domician...a writer...on fire...must be St Vincent Ferrer!

We had a lovely near-lifesize statue of him at my high school (taught by the Nashville Dominicans) but he was missing whatever he once held in his right hand. It wasn't broken, just missing since you could stick something in his hand (like a lego person, if you know what I mean) So the girls would always roll up scrap paper and have him hold it.

Anyway, long tangent. Sorry. But I'm having fun with the game :-D

antonia said...

I don't know.

I really like this nerd game Thursday! I'm learning a lot!


Thursday said...

Mary Liz is right again! Just wait until you see the final one I have picked out...

Yours in Christ,