Monday, January 09, 2006

Microsoft and google???

I just saw this in my site meter. Someone at Microsoft visited my blog using a google webbrowser? 0.9 would mean it is still in beta, but why would Microsoft be beta testing for google? Google always does open betas. I wouldn't mind testing out a browser designed by google. I love gmail, google Earth, and blogger. Strange things are afoot.
While I'm on the subject of technology, MacWorld San Francisco (MWSF) 2006 is tomorrow. Be prepared for something amazing that you can't afford to be announced by Steve Jobs during the Keynote.

Yours in Christ,


antonia said...

haha! That's interesting...!

By the way, how does one look at one's site meter?
Where could I go to have a look at mine?


Thursday said...

Site meter is a free web traffic counter that you can get here. It gives you hit numbers, information about hits, traffic predictions, graphs, ect.

Yours in Christ,

Claire said...

My theory: Google's out to take over the world. :) But I'm ok with that, because man, is Google awesome.

antonia said...

cool thanks!