Saturday, January 07, 2006

The Weird Meme

The ever Sober Sophomore has tagged me with a meme. I have to post 5 weird habits I have. That shouldn't be too difficult.

1) When I get a new season of T.V. on DVD or over Lime Wire, I can't stop watching. I will watch entire seasons in 48 hours.

2) I will use OS X's unix terminal to do easy actions like empty the trash. (Fear me, for I am the "Super User!")

3) I prefer to use the command prompt (DOS) window when I have to use windows.

4) When ever I quote a comedian I do it in Eddie Izzard's voice.

5) Sometimes, when I am someplace were no one knows me, I take on a British Accent (though some people tell me my normal accent is British (trust me it isn't (I wonder how many parenthetical remarks I can make before you lose interest(I guess only four!))))

I now tag Joey "the Gangsta", and Antonia

Yours in Christ,

1 comment:

antonia said...


where do I begin..?!