Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Countdown to the Encyclical!!

Benedict has confirmed the January 25th date as being the release date for his first Encyclical. I had my countdown widget set to that date from the moment I heard that it might be the date. Right now, I have it at 6 days, 6 hours and 27 minutes (9 am GMT+1) till I can grab a copy. "Deus Caritas Est" looks to be a good read. Thursdays are my easy days, so I can stay up extra late and plough through it, and then post my initial impressions later Thursday afternoon.
Till then. . .

Yours in Christ,

Tradition in Action has been very quite in the run up to the release. I wonder what sort of craziness we can expect from them on the 25th.


Chestertonian Rambler said...

"Thursdays are my easy days"


Mrs. N said...

Thursdays are my easy days as well. Now if only there was a store around here that sold catholic books and things of that ilk.

Thursday said...

There was no pun intended there! Also, by easy, I mean one class from 11:30 to 1:00. This is much nicer than last semester when I had a class and then a 4 hour lab right after.

Yours in Christ,

Mrs. N said...

The only class I have on Thursdays doesn't start until 8 at night so I really have the whole day free.

antonia said...

I very much look forward to reading your thoughts on it!